Volunteer Opportunities in LifeTeen, EDGE, and LTE ministries:

LIfeTEen Core Team
Saint Brigid Life Teen depends on a dedicated team of adult volunteers who assist in planning life nights, giving talks, leading small groups, and building meaningful relationships with teens leading them towards Christ.
We are always looking for dedicated volunteers. Must be 21 or older and a practicing Catholic in good standing with the church. Email mcouch@saintbrigid.org if you are interested in joining this incredible community.
adult Volunteer Opportunities
Prayer Ministry
Prayer fuels our ministry. We work to ensure each one of our teens and their intentions are being lifted up in prayer. Email mcouch@saintbrigid.org to become a part of our prayer ministry.
Service Ministry
We love to provide opportunities for our teens to give back to the community, but with many events to plan. It is helpful to have a team of parents find a local organization that needs volunteers and organize a day for the teens to give back.
Food Ministry: LifeTeen, EDGE and LTE
We all know that teens love to eat! We are always in need of lead volunteers to purchase and prepare dinner for our groups. We also need helpers each Sunday and Monday night to serve dinner to LifeTeen, EDGE, and LTE. Contact one of us below to sign up!
EDGE: dortiz@saintbrigid.org
LifeTeen: mcouch@saintbrigid.org
EDGE Table Leader
Youth ministry isn't possible without adults who pour into our teens. Table leaders lead our middle-schoolers in thought-provoking discussions about the faith to help them reflect on how God is moving in their lives. Email dortiz@saintbrigid.org to learn more about being a table leader.
LTE Adult Mentor
Do you have a heart to serve individuals with disabilities? Come join us for games, laughter, and growing in our faith together in this beautiful community within our parish family. No previous experience is required! Volunteers needed for weekly sessions as well as special events such as Trunk-or-Treat and Prom! Contact tborah@saintbrigid.org for more information.
EDGE Core Member
Do you have a lot of energy and enthusiasm? Do you enjoy being in front of a crowd? We need core members to assist with running activities and giving talks on the faith to our middle schoolers. Email dortiz@saintbrigid.org to learn more about being a core member.
Teen volunteer opportunities

LT Teen Leader Ministry
All confirmed high school schoolers are invited to apply and interview to be a teen leader each school year. Teen leaders help to plan life nights, run our fall retreat, lead small groups, and welcome new teens to Life Teen. Contact mcouch@saintbrigid.org if you are interested in joining our team.

LTE Special Needs Teen Mentor
High School students serve as mentors to our students in the Special Needs Youth Group. No experience is required, just a heart for serving others! Contact tborah@saintbrigid.org if you are interested in volunteering this year!